
The Power Consumption Database

... user maintained electricity usage data

Dell Wyse 3040

With a average usage of 1.37 watts Dell Wyse 3040 is ranked 5 out of 269 registered Computer

This product will use 1.5 kWh per year if running 2 hours daily. Estimated cost is 0.2$ when

Normal/Idle1.37 watts
Standby0.16 watts
Max4.90 watts
DescriptionDell wyse 3030 powerd by 5V PSU
w/x5-z8350 + 2G ram + 16G emmc
running Debian bookworm headless w/o monitor
4.9w max was measured during the boot
run stress with 4 cores, realtime consumption ~3.504w

w/sata ssd in usb case, consumption in total 2.09w - 2.15w
ssd idle , consumption in total 1.55w
Submit info2024-01-31 11:08:07

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