
The Power Consumption Database

... user maintained electricity usage data

Northpoint NP-SCT-3-N

With a average usage of 7.91 watts Northpoint NP-SCT-3-N is ranked 11 out of 20 registered Light bulb

TypeManufactures Product Info
Normal/Idle7.70 watts
Max12.00 watts
DescriptionP/N: 2006026; Sold at Aldi.
Submit info2022-06-18 20:25:15

Normal/Idle8.11 watts
Standby0.23 watts
DescriptionLMG95; Utrms=233V standby, Ipp-standby=36mA, Utrms=232V normal, Pstandby = 1,82VA; Pnormal = 6,89W@223V
Submit info2022-06-18 20:23:43

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