
The Power Consumption Database

... user maintained electricity usage data

Intel DE3815TYKHE

With a average usage of 4.96 watts Intel DE3815TYKHE is ranked 50 out of 274 registered Computer

This product will use 4.6 kWh per year if running 2 hours daily. Estimated cost is 0.7$ when

Normal/Idle5.02 watts
Standby0.34 watts
DescriptionUpdated 11.2017 due to incorrect measurement setup initially.
Measured using LMG95, Ethernet 7,5 mtrs, 1000 Mbps full duplex, Arch Linux 4.13.9, no USB devices, no monitor, D3S 8GB 1600-11 LV KVR, Mean Wall GST60A12-P1J "12V" PSU. Normal/idle is between 5.01 and 5.02 watts @230V AC.
Submit info2016-11-21 02:21:48

TypePrinted Media (Magazines etc.)
Normal/Idle4.90 watts
Standby0.70 watts
Max11.80 watts
DescriptionMeasured while running Windows 8.1 x64.
Submit info2014-11-19 17:38:26

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