
The Power Consumption Database

... user maintained electricity usage data

Sony KDL-32EX500

With a average usage of 90.33 watts Sony KDL-32EX500 is ranked 21 out of 58 registered TVs 27"-36"

This product will use 191.5 kWh per year if running 4 hours daily. Estimated cost is 28.7$ when

TypeManufactures Product Info
Normal/Idle71.00 watts
Standby0.20 watts
Max71.00 watts
DescriptionValues are as stated for home mode (non-store mode) in the manual with the given URL.

Values are much different in the United States manual (!).
Submit info2016-08-19 18:20:03

Normal/Idle60.00 watts
Standby20.00 watts
Max71.00 watts
DescriptionAll measurements are in home mode (non-store mode).

Normal, Power Saving off: 58 to 70 watts, typically 60 watts.
Normal, Power Saving low: 50 to 55 watts.
Normal, Power Saving high: 38 to 50 watts.

Standby, Quick Start turned on: 19 to 22 watts.
Standby, Quick Start turned off: 6 to 9 watts.
Submit info2016-08-19 18:07:17

TypeManufactures Product Info
Normal/Idle140.00 watts
Submit info2010-03-07 17:09:11 by Administrator

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