
The Power Consumption Database

... user maintained electricity usage data
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ...
OtherYoLinkYS1603-UC0.48 wshop.yosmart.com2024-10-27
ComputersDellWyse 50704.63 w8.83 w2024-10-24
NASsBuffaloLS210D10.70 w14.31 wbuffalo-technology.com2024-10-24
WIFI RoutersASUSRT-AX86S6.60 w12.50 w2024-10-23
WIFI RoutersASUSRT-AX574.70 w7.30 withardware.pl2024-10-23
PrintersZebraDA4022.10 w2.10 w22.00 w2024-10-23
Cable ModemsARRIS / VodafoneTG6442VF20.00 w2024-10-04
WIFI RoutersBelkinRT32006.37 wbelkin.com2024-09-14
WIFI RoutersBelkinRT18005.19 wbelkin.com2024-09-14
WIFI RoutersASUSTUF-AX42005.00 w12.00 woverclockers.ua2024-09-14
UPSEaton3S 850 Gen 219.00 w19.00 w2024-09-12
WIFI RoutersAsusRT-AX88U8.20 w8.00 w13.00 w2024-09-08
WIFI RoutersTP-LINKArcher C241.80 w2.50 w2024-09-08
WIFI RoutersTp-LinkArcher C807.00 wpurepc.pl2024-09-06
WIFI RoutersASUSRT-AXE78007.50 w18.00 w2024-08-30
SwitchesUbiquitiUSW Lite 16 POE 45w8.00 w6.00 w10.00 wtechspecs.ui.com2024-08-29
UPSEaton5s1500i13.80 w0.50 w2024-08-25
Wireless plugTP-linkHS1101.30 w2024-07-22
Wireless plugTP-LinkTapo P1101.00 w2024-07-22
SwitchesTP-LinkTapo P1101.00 w0.60 w2024-07-22
2101 rows

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