
The Power Consumption Database

... user maintained electricity usage data
... 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ...
Digital TV RecordersPhilipsDVDR357OH26.30 w7.40 2011-02-26
ADSL ModemsAVMFritz!Box 75817.45 w7.25 w8.69 w2018-01-10
SwitchesEdimaxES-5800P (8 port switch)8.60 w7.10 w8.60 wus.hardware.info2014-07-21
ADSL ModemsDraytekVigor2760n7.06 w7.05 w14.40 w2017-01-27
PrintersHPLaserJet P20107.00 w7.00 w410.00 wh20566.www2.hp.com2014-07-13
PrintersBrotherHL-2070N70.00 w7.00 w450.00 wbrother-usa.com2014-07-12
Game ConsolesSonyPlaystation 2 (slim)25.00 w7.00 wearthpill.com2010-04-02
NASsZyxelNSA31014.00 w7.00 w2014-01-14
Media PlayersZyXELNSA32527.00 w7.00 wzyxel.com2012-04-26
PrintersHPLaserJet 1000 series7.00 w7.00 w285.00 wh20566.www2.hp.com2014-07-13
PrintersHPLaserJet P20307.00 w7.00 w550.00 wh20566.www2.hp.com2014-07-13
NASsQnapTS-219P+19.00 w7.00 whc.pcworld.dk2011-10-07
PrintersHPLaserJet P2015 Series7.00 w7.00 w325.00 wh20566.www2.hp.com2014-07-13
Media PlayersQNAPNMP-1000P10.00 w7.00 wqnap.com2012-04-26
SwitchesNetgearGS324TP8.10 w6.90 w2024-12-18
NASsSynologyDS21218.20 w6.80
UPSCyberPowerPR1000ERT2U8.90 w6.61 w909.00 w2022-01-24
NASsQNAPTS-11213.00 w6.50 wsmallnetbuilder.com2011-10-07
ComputersMinisforumUM25024.50 w6.50 w38.70 warstechnica.com2021-07-26
WIFI RoutersD-LinkDIR-8256.40 w6.40 w13.00 w2020-11-21
2108 rows

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